I hold a CLEC, Certified Lactation Educator Counselor certification, from UC Extension San Diego. As you probably know, breastfeeding provides countless benefits to you, your baby and your family.
As beautiful and beneficial as breastfeeding is, it can also be very challenging. Having realistic expectations about how breastfeeding will go prenatally will help you to meet your breastfeeding goals. With the information in this class, you can prepare to get breastfeeding off to a great start and look forward to the many benefits that breastfeeding can provide to you and your baby.
In our breastfeeding classes, a few things we cover:
Anatomy and physiology of breastfeeding
How you make breastmilk
The benefits of skin to skin contact
How to tell if your baby is getting enough breastmilk
The basics of latching and positioning
Hunger cues
And of course, we always have time for questions.
All visits are in the comfort of your own home, unless you or someone in your house has come in contact with someone who has covid, then all visits will be virtually.
We will discuss:
Any challenges that you're experiencing, we will talk it through and come up with a plan together that fits your needs.
I will show you how to bring baby on to get a proper latch and how to sustain it.
If you plan on returning back to work or school we will figure out a pumping schedule and supply storing system.
Anything else I can help you with.
To schedule your appointment please fill out the following. I will get back to you soon.
NOTE: Lactation Educators do NOT offer medical advice or perform any medical and/or clinical procedures.